
miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012



Exercise 1:

Friends are ones who always try to understand.
Friends are always giving you a helping hand when you need it.

Els amics són aquells que sempre intenten comprendre't.
Els amics sempre et donen un cop de mà quan ho necessites.

To friends it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor;
They always will open the door.

Als amics no els hi importa si ets ric o pobre,
ells sempre t'obren la porta.

It is more important to have few friends but they really are, 
that many who are not.

És més important tenir pocs amics però que siguin de veritat,
que molts que no ho siguin.

Friends are for ever, so you should love and help them.
Preserve them.

Els amics són per sempre, per tant, estima'ls i ajuda'ls.

Exercise 2:

1. I like eating fruit, such as apples and bananas.


2. My parents left home at 9 o'clock for going to their job.

3. I love playing football with my friends.

4. I prefer pizza than vegetables for dinner.


5. In my opinion, it's more interesting study maths than science. 


Translation exercise 2:

1. M'agrada menjar fruita, com per exemple pomes i plàtans.
2. Els meus pares se'n van de casa a les 9 per anar a treballar.
3. M'encanta jugar a futbol amb els meus amics.
4. Prefereixo pizza que no pas verdura per sopar.
5. Segons la meva opinió, és més interesant estudiar matemàtiques que no pas ciències.


A little girl

Margaret was a small girl. All her friends were taller than her and she wanted to be tall. Her mom told her not to worry.because one day she would be taller than her friends and her friends would be shorter than her. She was very happy to hear that. 


  • Translation: Margaret era una noia petita. Tots els seus amics eren més alts que ella i ella volia ser alta. La seva mare li va dir que no es preocupes perque un dia ella sería més alta que els seus amics i els seus amics seríen més baixos que ella. Ella va estar molt feliç quan va sentir això.

The moon and the sun

"How far away is the moon?" Chris asked his dad. His dad said that was a good question. He said the moon was not as far away as the sun. "How far away is the sun?" Chris asked. His dad said that this was a good question too. He said the sun was farther away than the moon.

  • Translation: "Com de lluny està la lluna?" El Chris li va preguntar al seu pare. El seu pare li va dir que era una bona pregunta. Ell li va dir que la lluna no estava tant lluny com el sol. "Com de lluny està el sol?" va preguntar el Chris. El seu pare va dir que aquesta era una bona pregunta també. Ell va dir que el sol està més lluny que la lluna.

Visit the park

Nancy took her daughter Donna to the park. The park had lots of trees and it had lots of squirrels and birds. The squirrels ran up and down the trees. The birds flew around. The squirrels and birds were good neighbors. Donna tried to catch the squirrel. Then she tried to catch a bird but she never gets it. But she had a good time.


  • Translation:  La Nancy va portar a la seva filla Donna al parc. El parc tenia molts abres i molts esquirols i ocells. Els esquirols corrien amunt i avall dels arbres. Els ocells volen al seu voltant. Els esquirols i els ocells són bons veïns. La Donna intenta agafar els esquirols. Després ella intenta agafar els ocells, però mai ho aconsegueix. Però ella ha passat una bona estona.

Uno the dinosaur

Once upon a time there was a dinosaur.
His name was Uno.
Uno was a lonely dinosaur. He was the only dinosaur in the world.

foto dinosauro divertenti immagine

  • Translation: 
Uno, el dinosaure.
Hi havia una vegada un dinosaure.
El seu nom era Uno.
Uno era un dinosaure solitari. Ell era l'únic dinosaure al món.

Two little feet

I have two little feet.
They always go wherever I go.
With my two feet ... I stand, walk and run.
I cannot go anywhere without my two little feet.

  • Translation:
Dos peus petits.
Jo tinc dos peus petits.
Ells sempre van allà on jo vaig.
Amb els meus dos peus... puc estar dret, caminar i còrrer.
Jo no puc anar a enlloc sense els meus dos petits peus.


The Little Red Hen
Anmfa014.wmf (9284 bytes)The little Red Hen was in the farmyard with her chickens, when she found a grain of wheat.

"Who will plant this wheat?" she said.

"Not I," said the Goose.

"Not I," said the Duck.

"I will, then," said the little Red Hen, and she planted the grain of wheat.

When the wheat was ripe she said, "Who will take this wheat to the mill?"

"Not I," said the Goose.

"Not I," said the Duck.

"I will, then," said the little Red Hen, and she took the wheat to the mill.

When she brought the flour home she said, "Who will make some bread with this flour?"

"Not I," said the Goose.

"Not I," said the Duck.

"I will, then," said the little Red Hen.

When the bread was baked, she said, "Who will eat this bread?"

"I will," said the Goose

"I will," said the Duck

"No, you won't," said the little Red Hen. "I shall eat it myself.  Cluck! cluck!"  And she called her chickens to help her.

  • Translation:

La gallineta vermella.

La galineta vermella era al corral amb els pollastres, quan ella va trobar un gra de blat.
"Qui va a sembrar aquest blat?" va dir.
"Jo no" va dir l'oca
"Jo no", va dir l'ànec.
"Ho faré llavors" va dir la gallineta vermella, i va plantar el gra de blat.
Quan el blat estava madur, va dir: "Qui portarà el blat al molí?"
"Jo no" va dir l'oca.
"Jo no" va dir l'ànec.
"Ho faré jo, llavors", va dir la gallineta vermella, i ella va prendre el blat al molí.
Quan hi va haver farina a la casa, va dir, "Qui va a fer una mica de pa amb aquesta farina?"
"Jo no" va dir l'oca.
"Jo no" va dir l'ànec.
"Ho faré jo, llavors" va dir la gallineta vermella.
Quan el pa es coïa va dir, "Qui menjarà aquest pa?"
"Ho faré" va dir l'oca
"Ho faré" va dir l'ànec.
"No ho faré" va dir la gallineta vermella. "Em menjaré a mi mateix. Cluck!
Clo!" I va cridar als seus pollastres per ajudar-la.

A fight between brothers

It all started when Tom called me to join him in a game of basketball. He said that Jack and some other boys would be there too. I had finished my homework and had nothing else to do so I agreed.
On the way there, I bought a burger. When I reached the basketball court, I was surprised to see Tom and Jack quarrelling. Tom and Jack are brothers and they loved each other and seldom quarreled.
Later on, I learnt that they were quarrelling over who should start throwing the ball. They created such a racket that the people in a nearby coffeeshop were looking at them. Soon Tom and Jack started to trade punches
Luckily, two men came and grabbed hold of the boys till the boys calmed down. Then I suggested that we go to the coffeeshop for a drink. At the coffeeshop, I brought out my burger and it was good to see Tom and Jack sharing the burger and laughing once again.
  • Translation:
Una lluita entre Germans

Tot va començar quan Tom em va trucar-me per unir-me a ell en un partit de 
bàsquet. Va dir que Jack i alguns altres nois també hi  serien. Jo havia acabat la meva tasca i no tenia res més a fer així que vaig accedir.
En el camí, em vaig comprar una hamburguesa. Quan vaig arribar a la pista de bàsquet, em vaig sorprendre en veure a Tom barallant-se amb Jack. Tom i Jack són germans i s'estimaven i es barallaven rares vegades.

Més tard, vaig saber que s'estaven barallant sobre qui hauria de començar a tirar la pilota. Van crear un enrenou que la gent en una cafeteria propera els miraven. Aviat Tom i Jack van començar a intercanviar cops. 

Per sort, van arribar dos homes i es va apoderar dels nois fins que els nois es van calmar. Llavors li vaig suggerir que anéssim a la cafeteria per prendre una copa. A la cafeteria, vaig treure la meva hamburguesa i va ser bo veure a Tom i Jack compartin l'hamburguesa i rient de nou.

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